Monday, October 11, 2010

Promises, promises

I keep forgetting to take the time to sit down and write.

So, promise to myself: I will write 300 words, 4 times a week. And I will do this even if those 300 words are about nothing.



  1. About nothing? I've already done that. It only works once.

  2. Unless you're Jerry Seinfeld, that is. ;)

  3. I'm with you 100 percent. In fact, I wonder if I can get my 300 words in this little comment box that you provide. I think as a writing teacher, or a writing center director, or whatever your title (how am I doing filling space) it's a good goal to model for your students, writers, whomever what good writers do. And as a good writer, and an award winner, I think you are an excellent model for aspiring writers. Yes, I wrote it. You're an award winner. Me, I'm a blustery writer feigning to get to 300 words here, knowing that my pukey little boy is about to wake up and force me to change the sheets again. I'm blessed that his mother is nearing saint-hood and has taken the brunt of this, both physically and psychologically. But that is neither here nor there, and I've tired of this challenge. I'll leave it to someone else to not count these words. It was nice to stop by and say hi. I hope all is well, and good luck with the writing. We miss you in Michigan.

  4. I am wholly impressed by your ability to turn a quick comment into 300 words. The part about your pukey little boy (whom I hope is no longer pukey because that is no fun whatsoever) added a ne sais qua to the whole entry.

    Well done!

    (She giggles, then ducks to avoid flying rhetoric)
